Thursday, 2 April 2015

WSS Hessians

 After my campaign game at Micks it got me inspired to try and finish off some more of my WSS collection. It has even got me making a few more purchases as well. The first of these to be completed were 2 battalions of Hessians that have sat undercoated for over a year now. The are from the Wartensleiben regiment. The flag was kindly produced by Mick in return for uniform info that I had for the Hessians. The figures are mainly Warrior with the command from Dixons.

I have also managed to complete a few more bases of dismounted dragoons as I will more than likely need these for our next game.

I've now started on some pioneers as well as prepping some French horse and dragoons for the Friedlingen project (remember that)


  1. Very nice job, and great photos as well...

  2. Beautiful work on these guys Scotty!

  3. thanks guys, really enjoying getting back to this scale and period
