Sunday 5 June 2022

Old West Native Americans

With a western game planned for the club on Thursday and a couple of players mentioning they would like to use the Native Americans. I knew I already had 3 painted up, but would likely need more. So a quick rummage in the lead pile produced 3 more. I tried to paint them in the same style as the earlier models.

Pretty certain 2 of the models are Old Glory and the other is from Foundry. So here are all 6 together. Not a bad match.

So after completing these I was informed by Mitch he will just need the 2 pistol armed models. Oh well at least they are off the painting table. Now back to the RCW.


  1. Yes, at least they are out of The Lead Pile and off the painting table!

    1. Cheers Jonathan. 3 less in the lead pile

  2. Nice work on the Native Americans, Scotty, or, as we used to say.....Injums!

  3. Definitely a change of pace there!

  4. It was needed. Always good to mix up the painting table a bit
