Sunday, 24 April 2022
Some Afghans
Monday, 18 April 2022
A Hydra
In an attempt to re-kindle my painting mojo, I decided to complete a Reaper Bones Hydra that has sat nearing completion on the painting table for a number of months.
It's not my best work, but it felt good to just get something done, so much so that I started on some Afghans.
Not keen on the blue, think this is why it has been half finished for so long. Wish I had gone for a dark green. Well it will probably get it's first game in on Thursday night.
Sunday, 17 April 2022
Lost mojo
Well after some high painting outputs at the start of the year, I haven't picked up a paintbrush in over 2 weeks. I just have no fancy for it. Got plenty of figures in to paint, even prepped, just don't fancy. Going to try a do a little work this afternoon on a Hydra for Dragon Rampant game on Thursday.
But wargaming related, I did get a colonial game in the other week, forgot to write it up and a bit sketchy on the details. All I remember is the Beja won and the Brits best form close order or can be quickly swept away.
Wish me luck on picking up a paint brush.