Tuesday, 14 August 2018

Ottoman conquest

And so it begins. Some further additions to the start of this project. First up I completed some old figures from the original Mikes model range. Quite chunky compared to more modern sculpt, but still full of character.

So first up 2 squadrons of Delli's. Now these are not as nice as more modern sculpts but will suffice.

The infantry are some of my favourites. I've added 2 units of irregulars armed with hand weapons and 1 unit with bows. The other now armed unit are old rebased figures.

Next to be completed were some new figures from Legio Herocia, 6 squadrons of Sipahi. There should have been 3 more squadrons but I ran out of bases. They will be added once the bases arrive.

These Sipahi are some of my favourite figures. I already have another 12 squadrons of them my painting table. I just need to source some flags and pennants to add to the landed.