Sunday, 30 October 2016

GNW /WSS Saxons VIII and some Swedes

After much deliberation I finally decided to tackle the Artillery which needed repainting. I went for removing the crew and guns from their original bases and then repainted the artillery black and gold. I also got to try out a new bronze paint from vallejo on the barrels.  Despite their age all 9 guns came off their bases with damage only to 1, a bit of superglue solved that issue. The guns are a mix of Warrior and Dixon,  though the crew all from Dixon's.

I also then decided to add a battery of heavy guns which had lain unloved for a number of years. I rustled up some crew from Bluemoon and after a quick paint up, all done.

After adding these to the existing collection I now have 3 heavy guns and 12 medium guns for 5 batteries. I do have some mortars that I can also add.

Now just to prove I haven't just been adding to the Saxons, I painted up some more horse for my Swedes. This time 4 squadrons from the Abo & Bjorneborg regiment. This brings the strength of my Swedish horse up to 27 squadrons. I still have another 6 squadrons to complete. The figures for these like the last regiment are from Roundway.

My orders from Old Glory and Roundway also arrived on Saturday. This will allow me complete the Swedish General staff that I need as well as enough infantry to complete the Russian Auxiliary Corps.


  1. I can hear the thunder of guns from here...very impressive!

  2. You don't realize just how "big" those guns are until the comparison shot with all the others. Nice work!

    1. Cheers Rod. THEY are nice models from Dixons and definitely look like heavy guns

  3. Lovely additions to the armies Neil!

  4. You handled the artillery very well Neil, never an easy job!
