Got back on Friday after an enjoyable 12 day break in a villa in Ibiza, very hot and relaxing. Unfortunately I had to return to the cold, miserable and damp north east of England. I didn't get much browsing of blogs when I was away as the internet connection at the villa was very slow and limited to one room, made posting comments virtually impossible and I gave up. Now things are back to normal I'll be checking out the blogs I follow to get a well needed wargaming fix.
Since I got back I've been putting the finishing touches to a 3rd regiment of French for my FPW project, once based I'll post some pictures. While I was away I did a little mulling over on the projects I want to complete:
1 - The FPW, need to complete a second division for my French and may add a 3rd Infantry division and the second division of the Bavarian 1st Corps.
2 - ACW, I need to complete Pickett's division for the confederates, this will complete 1st and 2nd corps. For the union I want to finish off 1st corps. This will give me 4 union corps, more than enough for gaming.
3 - LOTR, I want to finish off the last few figures for my Gondorrians and Rohirrim before making a start on some orcs, definitely pushing this out until later in the year.
4 - INQUISITOR, I've got about half a dozen figures from GW 54mm range, once done I should be able to put together 4 warbands. A project to break up the others.
5 - UNDEAD, Got another 8 cavalry to paint up, after that it is looking at some sort of large scale model for the centre piece, a few children's toy fossil sets look promising.
6 - HOPLITES, still got these sitting in a box, determined to make a start on them but still unsure on what system to base them for.
Well not much to be getting on with......