Ramseur's is the second brigade I've managed to finish in Rodes' Division. I also managed to paint up Rodes himself as well as the divisional artillery. Ramseur's is a small brigade of only 5 stands and consisted of the following regiments.
- 2nd North Carolina
- 4th North Carolina
- 14th North Carolina
- 30th North Carolina
The figures are all Old Glory apart from the command & artillery which are Peter Pig. The figure of Rodes is from Warrior miniatures.
This week at the club I managed a quick game of Fire and Fury with Jon. It was a quick run through of the rules with 10 brigades a side. It's been about 10 years since I last played these rules but they quickly came back. Suffice to say the newly painted unit syndrome occurred with both the last union and confederate brigades painted being severely man handled by their opponents.
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