Sunday, 23 February 2025

FPW - Baden infantry regiment #3

With the weather taking a bit of a turn for the worse, I decided to spend some time getting a 3rd infantry regiment completed for the Baden Division. Once again all of the figures are from Outpost miniatures / Reiver Castings.

With these done, I have made a start on the 4th and last regiment required. I may even get them finished in time for the game coming up. I have also been thinking of expanding the collection. For the Prussians I may add either a Landwehr or a Hessian Division and the French I had been thinking of part of I Corps, just for the Zouaves and Turcos, however Thom at the club has already committed to painting them up, so I may switch the the Guards, only 2 infantry divisions. I do get 1 regiment of Zouaves as well as the Grenadiers and Voltiguers. Plenty of time to think it over.


  1. Nice work! Where are you getting your flags? I have my first FPW Bavarians mustering out soon.

    1. Cheers Jonathan, my flags are from a variety of sources, Maverick Models, Warflag and some shared on the LAF forum

  2. Excellent work Scotty, bed weather does have some up sides for wargamers!

    1. Cheers Keith, the bad weather did prove a boon to get some painting done

  3. Very nice; I have a soft spot for Badeners, although mine are Napoleonic!

    1. Cheers, I do like painting up minor forces in great wars as adds variety to the collection

  4. Nice work on your latest regiment and I like your plans to add to the collection.
