Tuesday, 31 July 2018

A new Project begins....

....or could that be revisiting something I started nearly 30 years ago in my youth. The Ottoman Turks, why? Because they were involved in the Great Northern War. Even if it was on the periphery. They give great potential for 'what if' battles against the Russians or as allies of the Swedes.

Now I do already have a small number of figures that were passed on to me in my teenage years. They got a lick of paint (pretty basic) then sat in a box. Then about 10 years ago I added a couple of infantry units then put them back in the box.

But not this time. Now I fully intend to get these guys up to fighting strength and get them onto the table for a game. I quickly sorted out the unpainted figures and added a couple of extra purchases from Roundway to get me started.

The original collection is primarily infantry and so is the unpainted lead. I should have enough figures for an extra 4 units of Janissary's, 3 units of Azabs and 2 units of irregular foot. I have managed to pick up a win on a well known auction site which will provide another 60 mounted figures.

The originals
The unpainted.
Well i did make a start on 2 units of Sipahi from Roundway. The troopers are nice looking figures, but I did not enjoy painting them. Not sure what it was about them. As a result not my best work and just pleased to finish them. Hope I have better luck with the Janissary's.

So not the best start but onwards and upwards.