Saturday, 11 November 2017

Sharp Practice Austrians IV

I've now finished my last group of fusiliers to complete the core of my Austrian force. This brings me up to 6 groups of fusiliers and 2 groups of skirmishers. I've also got a fair number of officer figures completed as they are vital in the game. I also picked up some bases for my skirmishers from Warbases.

Completed Fusiliers
Completed Force
Skirmishers to the front
Officer look on
So far in our practice games it has become apparent we need more extras such as animals, carts etc. So I've dug out some old models from Gripping beast to be rebased,  probably more suitable to the dark ages but they will do. I've also been picking up some livestock from the Warbases range to fill out the gaps such as geese and chickens. Well better get back to basing them.