I've added a couple of photos of the army as it currently stands.
Tuesday, 30 May 2017
GNW Poles II
Following the previous post I painted up my remaining regiment of winged hussars. This will bring me up to 4 regiment. Like the last unit I am unsure of the make of these figures as picked up off EBAY.
Looking ahead I would like to be able to field the Polish army that support the Saxons at Klissow. I will though need a lot more Pancerni regiments as these form the bulk of the force. Another battle I would like to re-fight would be Kalisz as it is
predominantly a mounted affair and large numbers of Poles fought on both sides.
I've added a couple of photos of the army as it currently stands.
The eagle eyed amongst you will spot some of the old Mikes models among the Pancerni. Had them nearly 25 years, a nostalgic unit that was originally part of my Saxon army when I used to play the WRG rules.
I've added a couple of photos of the army as it currently stands.
Thursday, 25 May 2017
GNW Poles
Well you cannot fight the Great Northern War without a few Poles on the battlefield. They are a colourful addition to the battlefield. I already have a few units painted that needed pennents added to their lances. I got the pennents from wargames design.
Of course you cannot have enough Hussars so I painted up another unit with a second also on the painting table. Not sure of the make of these but they painted up ok.
I can see me adding more units, particularly Pancerni and a few Dragoons.
Sunday, 14 May 2017
They are finally finished. Managed to complete the last 3 battalions from the Jydske infantry regiment. It's probably taken about 8 months to complete this army. Now I can try and finish the Swedes. The figures are mainly Roundway with some command from Warrior and Dixon. Pleased they are done and quite like their red and white hat trim.
With the addition of these 3 battalions, this rounds the army out at 25 battalions and 24 squadrons with supporting Artillery and officers. The figures used are from Roundway, Dixon, Warrior, Bluemoon, Minifigs and Essex.
While sorting these out I decided to add a few photos of the whole army.
Now I just need to concentrate on finishing the last few regiments for the Swedes and Russians and my GNW collection will be complete.
While sorting these out I decided to add a few photos of the whole army.
Saturday, 13 May 2017
WSS Bavarians
In a slight departure from painting troops primarily for the Great Northern War I decided to add a couple of horse regiments to my Franco- Bavarians army, mainly because it was lacking any Bavarians and their Cuirassiers look cool. First up is the regiment Wolframsdorf with a flag by Maverick Models.
The second regiment is the Arco Cuirassiers. I decided to have a go at a simplified hand painting of their colours. Turned out okay-ish.
I do intend to a brigade of Bavarians infantry to this army once I've finished the last 3 Danish regiments. I also need to clarify the uniforms of the Leibgarde Grenadiers as conflicting sources have them in both red and sky blue coats.
Well back to the Danish which hopefully will be finished tomorrow and after basing I can do some pictures of the whole army.
Well back to the Danish which hopefully will be finished tomorrow and after basing I can do some pictures of the whole army.
Wednesday, 10 May 2017
WSS / GNW Danes XI
Finally finished the last of the earmarked Danish cavalry. These are the second elite regiment of Cuirassiers, 3 squadrons of the Livregiment til hest. The figures are a mix of Essex and Roundway with the flag from Maverick Models.
This brings my total strength of Danish cavalry up to 24 squadrons, could possibly do with a few more but enough for now. I'll be able to field them as 2 good sized brigades. Here they are with their compatriots making up the 2nd brigade. Livgarden and Livregiment til hest with 2nd Sjaellandske and 4th Jydske.
I now need to push on with the last 3 infantry battalions and I can mark this army completed. In the meantime I'm also working on a handful of Bavarians to fill out my French army.
Monday, 8 May 2017
AWI Militia
After struggling with the last couple of Danish regiments for the GNW I decided to take a temporary step into a different period and scale. I've had these militia figures sitting in a box for over a year so decided to give them a quick paint up. I've deliberately left off the flags so that I can use them as either Rebel militia or non-uniformed tories.
I kept to a limited palette for these, plenty of browns and yellows. They are not the best work, but I needed to paint something different. The figures are mainly from Front Rank with a couple of Perry's mixed in.
I also decided to put together a couple of wagons from Warbases. All battlefields need a bit of clutter and I rather like these.
I still need to paint up the baggage that goes with the engineers wagon. It will have to wait as I push on with the last few Danes.
I also decided to put together a couple of wagons from Warbases. All battlefields need a bit of clutter and I rather like these.
I still need to paint up the baggage that goes with the engineers wagon. It will have to wait as I push on with the last few Danes.
Thursday, 4 May 2017
GNW Danes and Swedes
Finally drawing to a close on the Danes. I've only got 1 more regiment of horse and 3 battalions of foot to complete after these. These are the Livgarden til Hest. The first of my guard cavalry regiments. There is some descrepancy on the coat colours. Grant states yellow coats with red lining, however Torstein Snorrason its red coats with yellow lining. I've gone with the yellow coats as I aim to also complete the Livregiment til hest who are in red coats.
The figures are a mix of Roundway for the troopers and Essex for the command. They seem to mix well. The flag is from Maverick Models.
Next up is 2 addational Swedish battalions to bring them up to a strength of 16. These are both from the Upplands regiment. The figures are a mix of Dixons and Warrior.
I also managed to get in another practice of the rules after a few ammendments were made. Dave also popped into the club and took on the role of the Swedes. The game seemed to go well with the Danish horse being routed and their infantry stubbornly holding on.
Next up is 2 addational Swedish battalions to bring them up to a strength of 16. These are both from the Upplands regiment. The figures are a mix of Dixons and Warrior.
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