Progress report so far. Most of the fleet is finished, just a handful of Cruisers, frigates and tiny flyers to be added. After that I'm not sure if I will add any more. Also my daughter, she of Wings of War infamy has expressed an interest in collecting some of the Prussian fleet as she likes the models. May get her a starter box and see how she goes, if nothing else I can use them in some of the clubs larger games.
Fleet view |
Frigates with Cruisers in the background |
Capital ships |
Big boys and flyers |
Fleet view |
Lee scout ships |
Lee scout ships |
Lee scout ship |
This brings the fleet strength currently up to:
1 x dreadnought
2 x battleships
1 x carrier with 6 tiny flyers
3 x cruisers
6 x frigates
3 x destroyers
3 x bombers
2 x Lee scout ships
I love these miniatures, great painting of course my friend.
ReplyDeleteScotty, Have a great holiday