With a large game of Dragon Rampant due at the club on Thursday. 4 players 100points a side. Orcs and Goblins against the Men of the West. Now I've recently completed my Mordor host, but not to 100 points. I needed more orcs. This was an issue as my painting mojo seems to have deserted me. Then I remembered I had some old plastic GW figures that were painted may years ago. So I dug them out to see what I had.
Now these guys would need re basing to match in with the newer figures. So to work I went over the weekend and here they are. 3 units of Moria Goblins, some Uruks, Bezerkers, The Goblin king and Saruman.
So with the addition of 4 Cave Trolls, 1 to add to Sarumans unit and that should give me enough for 100 points.
Now I can begin to put together the army for Thursday might from the available troops.
The Witch King - elite foot
Nazgul - elite foot
Fell beast - greater warbeast
Dragon - greater warbeast
Wolves - lesser warbeast
2x Uruks - Heavy foot
4x Orcs - belicose foot
Orc archers - light missile
Goblin archers - light missile
Goblin archers - scouts
2x Goblins - light foot
2x Trolls - heavy foot
Warg riders - heavy riders
Looking forward to the game already.