Wednesday, 27 January 2010


A couple more photos of the recent additions to my Royalist force

Local Defence Volunteers - Musketeer miniatures

A Converted BUF officer, simple head swap on a Renegade Miniatures EarlyBrit WW1 officer.

Wednesday, 20 January 2010

VBCW part II

A few more pictures of my expanding VBCW Northern Army. The force will be based upon the Royalist garrison of Morpeth protecting the vital rail link to Berwick. Apologies for the quality of the photos but I think I need a new camera.

The Duke of Portland - Commanding Officer with Aide

The remnants of the local Constabulary

Couple of pictures of the local militia raised from the Estates of the Duke of Portland (predominantly farmers) These are a mix of ACW and Boer war figures as their rural look seems perfect for these guys. I have just received more militia from Musketeer miniatures to mix in to these (gives a little bit more modern weaponry)

Sunday, 17 January 2010

VBCW pictures

Some photos of the start of my VBCW force

Saturday, 16 January 2010

Very British Civil War

I'm just getting interested in the 'Very British Civil War', so far I have painted and based 20 renegade WW1 Brits as the start of a battalion of regulars/TA, got another platoon on the painting table with 3 machine guns. Made an order with Musketeer miniatures for 4 packs of their militia. I am also utilising some Boers that I had lying around (17 of them) as militia (easily usable as farmers from the Duke of Portland's estate). I also ordered some Boer cavalry with the intention of using headswaps, probably Mk1 helmets to use as Lord Clifford's Border Horse.

I have also painted up a Lledo model van that I picked up off eBay and will use it as a ammo truck in games. For rules I intend to use those freely downloadable from Empress miniatures.
I'll post some pictures once my camera is working again of how the project is proceeding.

Sunday, 3 January 2010


As promiosed some photos of my recent figures
Ground Zero Figures
Helmstaett, Onoldsbach and Schwarzenburg-Reuss battalions

Medium artillery battery
The start of my BCW force

Saturday, 2 January 2010

New Year, new projects

Well I've been busy these last couple of days. On the painting front I managed to finish the 3 battalions for the Franconian Helmstaett regiment, as well as the Schwarzenburg-Reuss battalion and the Onoldsbach Grenadiers from Ansbach. I have also added a battery of 3 medium guns.

In a break from the Marlburian period I painted up 7 ships to use in Firestorm Armada when the rules eventually arrive in the new year.

For future projects I have a couple of aims, I want to paint up a small ECW force, I got a box of the infantry with a mag subscription. I have also started to purchase some half timbered buildings for use in this period as well as latter as I also quite like the idea of the 'A very British Civil War'. I have already started to put together a force for this. Using some 1st WW Brits from Renegade I have approx 32 figures and 3 HMG's. I have also downloaded some rules off the Empress miniatures site and this force is sufficient for a battalion (The Duke of Portland's Rifles).

I have started to paint some of these Brits using a base coat and dip method, they came out okay apart from flesh areas so added a flesh wash and some minor highlights, I'll post pics once I have them based. I have also converted 4 Boer figures as the start of my Revolutionary elements, some slight conversion work and i have 2 figures with new berets and 2 with head swaps using GW Catachan heads (red bandanna). They don't look to bad and should be fine following painting.