Sunday, 2 March 2025

FPW Battle of Drouvile - The set up

So down to the club today to get the table set up and troops deployed in readiness for the game starting on Thursday night. After the last battle, the French have fallen back to protect the roads to Nancy. They have taken up position along a low ridge between Drouvile and Valhey. XII Corps has been strengthened by the arrival of the 1st Division as well as a cavalry division from VI Corps. There are also reports that elements of the French I Corps are marching to support the position.

The Prussians meanwhile have advanced on a broad front and have entered the table between the towns of Crevic and Einville-au-Jard. The Bavarian I Corps is positioned eastwards from Crevic towards Maixe. Next is the 2 divisions from Prussian VI Corps. To the east of them is the Wurtemburg Division and the newly arrived Baden division of XIV Corps. A Prussian cavalry takes up position at the end of the line. There is a second Prussian cavalry division positioned off table behind the Bavarians.

The table 12ft x 4ft

Bavarian I Corps

Prussian VI Corps

XIV Corps, Wurtemburg Division

XIV Corps, Baden Division and Prussian Cavalry Division

French III Corps

French III Corps

French XII Corps

French XII Corps cavalry

Looking forward to the game now.

Thursday, 27 February 2025

FPW - Baden Infantry regiment #4 and the Division

With not being at the club tonight due to illness, I soldiered on and completed the 4th and last infantry regiment for  the Baden Division. These will now all be ready to take part in next week's game.

So the Division currently has the 4 infantry regiments, a regiment of jagers, 4 artillery batteries and a mounted commander. I'll need to eventually add a brigade of cavalry of 6 stands. Not bad for a few weeks of work.

The figures are all from  Outpost / Reiver castings. Going forward I am thinking of adding another Division to my Prussian army, looking at the 25th division which is made up of Hessian infantry. The regiments are smaller at only a strength of 2 battalions.

Sunday, 23 February 2025

FPW - Baden infantry regiment #3

With the weather taking a bit of a turn for the worse, I decided to spend some time getting a 3rd infantry regiment completed for the Baden Division. Once again all of the figures are from Outpost miniatures / Reiver Castings.

With these done, I have made a start on the 4th and last regiment required. I may even get them finished in time for the game coming up. I have also been thinking of expanding the collection. For the Prussians I may add either a Landwehr or a Hessian Division and the French I had been thinking of part of I Corps, just for the Zouaves and Turcos, however Thom at the club has already committed to painting them up, so I may switch the the Guards, only 2 infantry divisions. I do get 1 regiment of Zouaves as well as the Grenadiers and Voltiguers. Plenty of time to think it over.

Friday, 21 February 2025

A down of Hares

So in between painting up some Franco Prussian troops, I managed to add to the collection of animals for Burrows and Badgers. This time I decided to concentrate on a single species as one of the beauties of the game is that you can create single species warbands. So I decided on a bunch of Hares. I already had 1 painted in the collection, so decided to add another 4. At the same time I also completed a batch of creates and barrels from Debris of war.

A bunch of hares

With the original model added

Hare hedge knight

Grymlocke Grawloggson

Garrow One-eye


Crates and barrels

The idea behind these is to run them as siblings, will have to com up with a clan and individual names. These were quick and fun to do. Got me thinking of a second single species warband, probably go for either otters or foxes. I've also got Mitch trying to source some STLs to print out some more crates and barrels for extra scenery.

Wednesday, 19 February 2025

FPW - Baden Infantry regiment

As I get closer to staging the second of our Franco Prussian War battles, I've been trying to complete the Baden division. I'll be cutting it fine but, here is the second infantry regiment completed. Like the rest, the figures are from Outpost / Reiver castings. The flag was provided by some chaps on the LAF forum. It matches those produced by Pendraken in 10mm.

I also managed to complete the Divisional commander as well. I do have the 3rd regiment on the painting table and hope to get it completed over the weekend. I may get a chance to start the 4th regiment, they are undercoated, butwill likely not get them completed along with a cavalry regiment.

Sunday, 16 February 2025

Franco Prussian War - Baden Division

Starting to make progress on the Baden Division to complete XIV Corps. I did initially have an issue in sourcing some flags, but chaps on LAF managed to provide me with some. So here they are the 1st regiment for the Baden Division. All the figures are Outpost from Reiver castings.

I went with the all marching pose for this regiment. I have enough figures for a 2nd regiment in a marching pose. A 3rd will be all advancing and the 4th will be a mix of poses. With these done I have already made some progress on the Divisional commander and a 2nd line regiment. Hopefully get these completed over the next couple of days.

Saturday, 15 February 2025

Quar Rampant - You can't take Quar seriously

So we decided to give the Xenos Rampant rules a run out for the Quar. We randomly generated the scenario which would involve one side trying to escort a convoy across the table while the other tried to stop them. So to 24 point forces per side. I took a light infantry company from the 22nd Double D's regiment, led by a junior Caertan on his first mission. I had a couple of supports in an Alithean tank and a torpedo team. We were joined by support elements from the 13th Regiment, the Quarkers dozen. 

So we arrived for the game to discover a slight miscommunication in orders. We were defending the convoy, not attacking it. Looks like the Pykpyk was a royalist sympathiser. Now looking at the Royalist troops, there didn't seem to be many,  turns out they were elite, yikes!! and they had artillery, double yikes!! Now in Xenos rampant if you fail an order it will end your turn. Happened quite often on the first order, triple yikes!! As a result my Alithean tank blocked in the convoy and the support elements from the 13th. I did manage to get the light infantry spread out to support the flanks.

The Glorious 22nd Deploy

Let's head for cover

Treacherous Royalists open fire

Heavily armed Royalist elites

Turn 6 and we haven't moved much, well once.

The boys under fire from Royalist infantry and a pesky hidden sniper

Vehicles getting nowhere fast

1st squad beginning to have second thoughts

Once we engaged the Royalists, their superior quality of troops quickly began to tell. Poor honourable Crusaders cut down in swathes. We did manage to pick off a few of the enemy, but not enough. One Royalist elite squad, took out the torpedo ream and then routed 1st squad. The second unit of elites took out 2 trucks and severely damaged the Alithean tank with their demolition charges.

With the 2 Crusader commanders bickering over vehicles moving, not moving, blocking fire lanes etc, lots of jovial banter, our poor Quar were being routed from the field. We did manage to get to turn 8, I think we managed to get the vehicles about 18 inches across a 6 foot table. 

So an enjoyable game and will definitely give them another run out.