Sunday 27 October 2024

Completed company

It's been a very productive week painting Mechs. So much so I completed the last 4 models I needed to complete a full strength company of 4 lances. 3 of the models are from a command lance boxed set. I swamped out the ARC-2R Archer for a 3d printed Awesome mech provided by Mitch. I'll be using the Archer as the start of a mercenary company.

The Awesome

MAD-3R Marauder

VLK-QA Valkyrie

STG-3R Stinger

I've also added a couple of extra support vehicles. I still need to add to these with another 4 APCs and infantry support. These were both 3d prints from Mitch. This brings me up to 16 mechs and 7 vehicles with another 5 vehicles busy being based.

Completed company so far.

With the spare Archer I did a test colour scheme for my mercenary company. I will be able to use these to either support the Dragons Fury company or as enemies, depending on the game at the club. For colours I went with 2/3rds Tan with green on the right arm and leg. Quite happy with it, though maybe the green could have been darker.

Well that was all of my Mechs painted up until Mitch dropped off a couple of 3d prints of the Locust. 1 of these will be added to the mercenaries. The other will be part of an independent lance and a chance to try out another colour scheme.

Saturday 26 October 2024

Clan Mechs

So in a bit of a change from painting all that red, I decided to paint up the 5 Clan mechs that came with the Alpha strike boxed set. These are the Timber Wolf, Warhawk, Nova, Pouncer and Fire Moth. For a coloiur scheme I went with Clan Coyote and the Nu Galaxy, a nice grey and blue. A quick and easy colour scheme to get done.


Timber Wolf



Fire Moth

I'm not sure how much game time these guys will get as I'll be predominantly sticking with the 4th Succession war era and have no real intention at this time to pick up anymore Clan mechs. But at least they are done if needed.

Friday 25 October 2024

A 3rd Lance

So I finally managed to complete a 3rd lance of mechs for my company. Unfortunately they were not needed on Thursday night. So from Left to right we have a WHM-6R Warhammer, PXH-4M Phoenix Hawk, WSP-3W Wasp and an AS7-S Atlas.

AS7-S Atlas.

WHM-6R Warhammer

PXH-4M Phoenix Hawk

WSP-3W Wasp
Out of all the mechs I have done so far, I think the Atlas is my least favourite, the pose is very static compared to the other models. A shame as it is probably the most powerful mech that I have. A the club on Thursday, Mitch provided me with a 3d printed Awesome mech which I'll use as part of the final lance for the company. The left over mech will form the start of a mercenary lance. In the meantime I've been finishing off some Clan mechs.

Wednesday 23 October 2024

More Mechs

In preparation for a club game tomorrow night (Not Alpha strike but Battle suit Alpha), I've been finishing off a few more Mechs. These 4 all from the Alpha strike boxed set. This will be my second lance for the Dragons Fury regiment. The last 4 just need their bases completed.

So from left to right we have the following, ARC-5R Archer, BJ-3 Blackjack, TR1 Wraith and the LCT-3M Locust.

ARC-5R Archer

BJ-3 Blackjack

TR1 Wraith

LCT-3M Locust

Really pleased with these. The third lance will be finished tomorrow, I've also picked up the Command lance boxed set. This will provide a fourth lance, though I may swap one of them out for an Awesome that Mitch has printed for me.

Sunday 20 October 2024

Battletech Alpha strike

I'm sure we all have one of those regrets of a collection / game that was sold off. Mine was Battletech, the original game produced by FASA with the card models. Had many hours of fun before deciding to sell it off as I was no longer using it. An idiotic decision of my youth. So all these years later Mitch is into Mechs and wants to use them for a display game next year. I was happy to get involved. I did have a few of the CAV Mechs that could be used. However Neil at the club then produced a load of the new Battletech Mechs and I was hooked. These were far superior to the old Ral Partha metals from yesteryear.

So I went online and bought a 'Lance' boxed set. They were title as Inner sphere Battle lance containing 4 very nice plastic models. But what colours to paint them? a little research uncovered literally hundreds of different colour schemes, I plumbed for the Draconis Combine and the Dragons Fury regiment. Red and a black/grey colour scheme.

So here they are the 1st 4 Mechs.  From left to right, Warhammer, Rifleman, Pheonix Hawk and Wasp. The first three were some of my favourites from the original game.



Pheonix Hawk


While I was doing research I also came across the Battletech Alpha strike game, this is supposedly a faster version of Battletech, allowing a lot more Mechs to be used. Now this is more like it, so a purchase was made. The added bonus is it comes with another 13 Mechs for me to paint up. While I was waiting for these to arrive I also painted up a few vehicles to support the Mechs. These were 3d prints provided by Mitch.

So now I have myself another little side project on the go. Delaying the start of my Romans.

Friday 18 October 2024

A Quar skirmish

So at the club I thought I'd try out the Rhyflers rules for Quar. It was also a chance to get the new buildings on the table. So Sean and I set up a small skirmish game to run through the rules as Sean hadn't played the rules and I was a veteran of 1 game. We probably made more than a few mistakes but we had a laugh. So know real report, just a few photos from the game for you all.

The Coftryans ended up with the win, but the result was secondary to just giving the rules a run out. I also need to get the 3rd building put together and painted up.

Sunday 13 October 2024

6mm SciFi

So one of the options for a display game at next year's Border Reiver show is some 6mm SciFi fun with Mechs, vehicles and aliens. Mitch is taking the lead on this idea and I was happy to help out with one of the Mech Lances and their support vehicles. Luckily I already have some Mechs painted up, so it was more around adding some support vehicles. Now back in the day I picked up a small bundle from Brigade models which provides most of what I need. Mitch has provided some 3d printed tanks which I'll hopefully get done next weekend.

2 infantry detachments with vehicles

2 Air support gunships

Various light vehicles

The force so far

Not bad for a day's work. Just had to add some tufts to the Mechs to bring their bases inline with the rest of the force.