Sunday 13 October 2024

6mm SciFi

So one of the options for a display game at next year's Border Reiver show is some 6mm SciFi fun with Mechs, vehicles and aliens. Mitch is taking the lead on this idea and I was happy to help out with one of the Mech Lances and their support vehicles. Luckily I already have some Mechs painted up, so it was more around adding some support vehicles. Now back in the day I picked up a small bundle from Brigade models which provides most of what I need. Mitch has provided some 3d printed tanks which I'll hopefully get done next weekend.

2 infantry detachments with vehicles

2 Air support gunships

Various light vehicles

The force so far

Not bad for a day's work. Just had to add some tufts to the Mechs to bring their bases inline with the rest of the force.

Saturday 12 October 2024

Episode III - On the cutting table

A post name in keeping with the film analogy. So game 3 was sort of played on Thursday night. It did not go well. So it all started with me knowing I would be late to the club, so I asked Mitch to set the table up, which he did and a grand job he made of it. Then my lateness got later, players were waiting for me to arrive, my stress levels were rising as it had not been a good week at work. I took a call from Mitch, did I want to postpone the game? no was my reply as I didn't want it hanging over me for another week. I emailed him the force lists so the figures could be ready and everyone would be ready to go.

Finally I arrived, grumpy and tired (you can see where this was going). So the figures were not sorted, so I had to get that done. Finally players were in position, then I forgot the hidden set up for the Rebels (Did I say I was very tired). So first turn, Imperials get the drop on the Rebels and carnage (Forces were not balanced) Mitch and his crew made a dash down an alley way, Imperials cut them off and more carnage (Hmmm players reacting to events figures could not see). By now tiredness, grumpiness and the realisation I'd forgot the hidden set up and the Rebel. The looks on the Rebel players faces said it all, 2 turns and 5 of 9 Rebels were down and only 1 Imperial down. They had no chance and as it was a campaign their crews would be decimated. I called the game off. So Episode III is on the cutting table and will not be part of the final campaign.

I did manage a few photos, but even lost enthusiasm for that.

So a bad day at the club. Not often I get a scenario so imbalanced, but it can happen. Think I need a break from running the large games at the club as the creative juices are running on empty.

Friday 4 October 2024

Episode 2 - Free the Rywanda 2

So with Jon Oberte and Se'an M'voy taken into custody by the corporate security. The scene was set for game 2, a rescue mission. With just the remaining crew members left, they had to ambush the transports ferrying their leaders to an awaiting transport to take them to the Prison planet Rywanda. But like all missions everything doesn't go to plan. D'vas and his rebel cell were surprisingly missing from the venture, Now shorthanded, they recruited in 2 rebel operatives to assist in the mission, Darboo the Rodian and the Ithorian, Donarbas.

This time the security teams were being run by players and wouldn't be the push overs they were in the first game. So table was set up and the game began. It was quick, it was bloody, very bloody. Much carnage, allegations of prisoner brutality. In all just 5 turns and 14 figures out of action. For those that have played Galactic heroes will know that in general, players will suffer a number of wounds and shock throughout the game. However our erstwhile players seemed unable to roll under a 9 on D10. This was the resulting bloody carnage. The photos will better provide the synopsis of this brief game.

The ambush begins as Jon's crew opened fire from the rooftops. A number of the security team were quickly taken out.

Se'an's crew moved into position getting ready to unleash hell

Things hot up in the street as security get to cover and return fire. The lesson here is not to be standing on a roof when you get shot. You'll have seen westerns and know what happens and it did.

Jon's crew already down to half strength and are the main target for the security team.

Darboo is down and hurt as the transports try to break through.

The recovering Darboo eventually boards the transport and engages in hand to hand with a security droid. His attack is beaten off and he loses his footing and falls off the transport and out of action.

In the heavy fighting, Jon Oberte manages to get free, unarmed he makes a dash for the alleyway. He is caught by 2 members of the security team. Who repeatedly beat / take reasonable measures to subdue him, depending on your point of view.

The attack was a disaster for the rebels with all 8 attackers out of action and both leaders still in custody. Not a good day for the Rebellion. Squ Idwar has taken command of Jon's team as they lick their wounds to fight again another day. For Se'an though, it is over, his team are scattered, in custody or dead. 

So plans are afoot for Episode III - Suppression. A new Imperial commander has been dispatched to Sicaro 6 with orders to bring order and stamp out the rebel insurgency on the planet. A sweep of the residential areas has been ordered to root out any surviving rebels.

Tuesday 1 October 2024

Two more cargo sleds

In preparation for episode 2 of our Star wars campaign, I needed a few more vehicles to make the table look a little more authentic. So Mitch printed me off a pair of cargo sleds. They are very nice models and took little effort to get painted up for the game.

I just need to get a few more cargo boxes and other pieces of clutter for future games. I've ordered a couple of market stalls and other bits and pieces from Oshiromodels to help add some clutter and cover for games.

Saturday 28 September 2024

Cargo Speeders / Transports

I picked up a couple of vehicles from Oshiromodels to use in my ongoing Star Wars campaign. The second episode is to be a rescue mission as 2 of the rebel leaders were captured in the 1st mission. The 2 vehicles will be used to transport them through the streets to an awaiting shuttle where they will be transported to the Prisoner moon dubbed Rwanda IX. 

The first vehicle is a flat bed speeder. I really like this model. You can even get extra flat beds to extend it further.

The second vehicle is a medium cargo skiff. This will be handy for moving the security teams around the table. Once again I went for a blue base coat as they will belong to Corporate Security. There were also 3 fuel cylinders that just require a quick paint job and a bit of weathering

Even though I have weathered both vehicles (doesn't show up too well in the photos) I may add a little more tomorrow. I've now got a shuttle to complete that I picked up from E-Bay as well as 2 anti-grav sleds that Mitch has printed off for me.

Sunday 22 September 2024

Buildings, always need buildings

So in a change from painting figures, I put some effort into a few extra buildings as you always need buildings for your games. The first is a second home for the Quar. This is another MDF set from Sarissa Precision kit. I painted it up in a suitably gaudy colour scheme to fit in with the Quar.

Both kits together

The next set of buildings are for my Star Wars games. They are simply two old spare adobe buildings I had left over from my Spanish Civil War collection. I simply added some 3d printed blast doors, some plastic bases to cover the windows and act as shutters. They were then simply repainted to fit in with the rest of my Sci-Fi stuff. They will not any win awards.

They will come handy for the next planned scenario as I will need to represent a built up area. 

Friday 20 September 2024

It's them! blast em!!

Well Thursday night saw the start of a mini campaign set in the Star Wars universe using the Galactic Heroes rules from Wiley Games. Each team was given a random objective to achieve, which would hopefully lead to a little double-crossing.

D'Vas and his team were to locate one of the terminals in one of the towers, then to download some intel on the Tie Fighter programme before making their mistake. The second rebel team lead by Jon Oberte were out to settle a gambling debt, owed over 2,000 galactic credits by D'vas. The third team was led by the bounty Hunter Se'an M'voy. He was looking to collect the bounty for the apprehension of Jon Oberte, He was worth more alive.

The local technicians and security forces were just going about their normal business. The Security teams would only start to arrive once the first shot was fired. So first turn, D'vas and his team moved in, spotted a technician minding his own business and promptly fired at him. So now security wereon their way. So much for sneaking in.

D'vas and team advance

Security forces alerted

The Bounty hunter Se'an leads his men forward

Jon Oberte and his team arrive

Did someone mention guard dogs/cats?

By now gun fire was was the order of the day. The poor technicians seemed to take the brunt of it. Meanwhile Se'an moved in to confront Jon. Taking out Squ Idwar early on. Hal rushed to his aid to administer some medical aid and was promptly shot down by the droid DX-66

Security start to arrive

Squ Idwar and Hal are both down

By now the central area of the table was filling up with security forces. Meanwhile D'vas and his team had located a terminal and began their criminal activities. That is until they were disturbed by a pair of Nexu that that they had to fight off.

Security setting up a perimeter

Nexu chomping on Su shi and Sal Mon

Overhead shot

Blaster fire exchanged 

Eventually Squ Idwar struggled to his feet only to see his leader Jon Oberte gunned down. In a rage he rushed into close combat with Se'an before taking the bounty hunter down. His victory was short lived as he was promptly gunned down by Dan Garr. So with leaders down and D'vas making his escape into the jungle we called the game at an end. Luckily all out of action figures recovered from their wounds. Though Dx-66 was shot full of holes and will miss the next mission. Both Jon Oberte and Se'an M'voy have been taken into custody and await the arrival of a prison transport.