Saturday 31 August 2024

Last minute prep

With the Border Reiver show just a week away, I've frantically been doing some last minute preparation for the game. First up was a new order deck, printed, laminated and cut out as our current deck was looking a little sorry, I also did a few quick reference sheets to help speed up the game and keep it flowing. I also did a couple of sheets for the background of the battle, including a map. Thankfully Neil at the club obtained some display stands which can go at the end of the table.

As our last practice game was only on a 4 foot wide table and not 5 foot, I guess I might need a few more hedges. If I don't they will not go to waste. Just finished the first 4 pieces with another 4 tomorrow which will give another 4 foot. should be more than enough.

Now not game related but still on an ECW slant. I completed some mounted dragoons and some officers for Simon's Scottish contingent. Just got the dismounted troopers and some frame guns to do and they will be all complete.

I will be pleased to see the back of ECW figures. It's got me half tempted to sell the collection or part of it after the Marston Moor , just so I don't have to look at them again. Well another practice game on Thursday and pack everything up for the show.

Sunday 25 August 2024

More Covenanters for Simon

So finally another 2 regiments of Scots Covenanters completed for Simon. Thankfully not much left to do and I can get them posted off. First is the 4th and final regiment of foot.

Next up is enough figures for a regiment of Scots lancers and a Mounted commander.

So that just the dragoons, both foot and mounted, a couple of mounted officers and the frame guns. I hope to get these done in the next couple of weeks and then onto Romans.

Sunday 18 August 2024

What have I been painting?

I've been spending some time trying to clear the loose ends on various projects in between painting the Quar. With my current Quar all painted up I thought I better post these before my memory fades. First up was the last 4 gladiators that I had. There was a Murmillo, 3d printed by Mitch, 2 Secutors and a Thraex from Crusader miniatures.

This brings me up to 18 Gladiators, 4 lions and a bear. I think I have most of the more common types covered. Probably just 1 or 2 more to complete the collection. Next up was a few bits and pieces for my Afrika Corps to represent the 609th Flak battalion for the Tebega gap scenario. There is a Sdkfz 10/1 SP 20mm and a Sdkfz 7/1 SP Quad 20mm AA. There is also an additional Quad 20mm AA gun.

The last things I painted up were 3 Scots Covenanter regiments for Simon. I do have a fourth nearing completion. Then I can paint up the lancers and dragoons and get them all posted off.

I'll be so pleased when the last of the ECW figures are done. I can hopefully make a start on my Republican Romans.

Saturday 10 August 2024

Quar Coftryans and Crusaders

So with a few days off work I decided to try and complete my Quar forces for some larger games going forward. So first off was a couple of extra Caertans (officers) to lead my Crusaders, These are resin figures from Wargames Atlantic. Nice and straightforward to paint.

Next was a couple of extra trench raiders and a HMG team. The HMG is a 3d printed gatling gun. For the crew I used some spare ww2 Russian arms from Warlord.

The complete force for the 22nd Infantry regiment consists of 2 companies each of 2 squads. There are also a few support options in LMGs, Torpedoes, HMG and a light field gun. All backed up by a few armoured vehicles. Also I did a bit of background fluff for my Crusaders

The 22nd Infantry regiment.
Known as the Devious Ducks or the Double D's. Gaining notoriety and renown for an amphibious assault during the battle for the Bridges over the River Quar.

Other Battle honours include- Quar-ta-bras, Quarterloo and Malplaquar. Now rumoured to be supported by the 7th Light armoured regiment, providing a number of armoured vehicles, whilst stationed on the front line.

Now it is always worthwhile having a few opponents to fight. I know 2 club members are collecting Royalist forces, but I wanted just a single squad for some skirmish games. So here they are, 10 Coftryans in a rather garish burgundy coat colour.

Not sure if I'll paint anymore of these as I'd rather wait to see what future releases are brought out for the game.

Thursday 8 August 2024

Marston Moor Practice run

So as we get nearer to the Border Reiver show, it's just a month away. It was time for a practice run of the game. On Monday, Mitch and myself went down to the club to set the table up, we even got over the angst of Mitch not remembering where he had stored his figures. Visions of frantically painting more regiments was averted when he found them on Tuesday. So switching club night to Wednesday, 5 of us turned up to run through the game and rules. We took plenty of photos and not much of a battle report as that was not our focus.

In essence on the Parlaimentarian right wing, early moves were very historical with the Royalist horse giving them a bit of a hammering. Eventually the Parlaimentarians held their ground to prevent the wing from being turned. Over on the left though, the Parlaimentarian horse here giving the Royalist horse a bit of a bloody nose, driving them back. In the centre the musketry between the two infantry lines was pretty even when we had to call it a night. Think we managed to get through 8 or 9 turns in just over 2 hours. First the early set up photos provided by Mitch.

And now for my photos of some of the action. 

Fairfax's horse advance

Ashton's foot leading the attack on the Royalists

Thom (Newcastle) and Neil B (Leslie) ponder their next moves

The Parlaimentarian right wing about to come to grips with the Northern horse

Infantry closing in

Rupert and Cromwell's horse getting ready to engage

Scot's cavalry moving to support the left wing

A bloody fight in the lane

Those Scot's in the centre need to get a bloody move on!

The right wing became a brutal fight, advantage the Royalists

The infantry begin their musketry duel

Scot's slowly getting into position

Ashton and Mackworth's foot get down to business

Fighting in the centre begins to intensify

Photos from Neil B of the left wing

The left wing advancing

Parlaimentarian horse pressuring the Royalists

Crawford and Hamilton bring up the Eastern Association foot

Where we left it at the end of the night

Pretty happy with how the rules held up with the amount of figures on the table. We got a few things wrong initially with the charges, but quickly corrected that. We also need a few markers to identify who has advantage in combat after the first round as this quickly got lost due to the size of the game.

Monday 5 August 2024

Last bits for Marston Moor

As I get closer to the Border Reiver show, it was time to finish off the last bits and pieces for the game and give the game a run out to iron out the rules. So I'll be popping down to the club later to get everything set up with Mitch.

On checking the OOB's I decided to add 2 more officers to the Parlaimentarians, which will help get their larger army on the move. The 2 figures are just leftovers from the project. One is from alternative armies while the other is a plastic warlord figure, one of the better sculpts.

The other additions are a pair of wagons/carts to add a little normal life to the villages on the edge of the battle. The horse drawn wagon is an old model from Essex miniatures, while the ox cart is from Warrior miniatures. It was just a simple case of re-basing both models. 

I've also dug out a couple of villagers that i'll try and get painted up over the next couple of days.