Sunday 28 July 2024

Quar and ECW

A few extra bits and pieces completed this week as I try to clear the painting table.First up is the last of 6 ECW Royalist foot regiments for Simon. Once again they are just a generic unit for Simon to base and add flags. I just need to make a start on the 4 sprues of Covenanters he also sent.

Next up is some extras for the Marston Moor game in the form of some sheep. I picked these up from Pendraken miniatures. They can add a little village life on the edge of the table. I just simply spread them across some spare MDF bases. Trying to get them to look like flocks.

Lastly was the last few Quar figures I had left. 3 of these were just built up as basic Rhyflers. The others I have built up as trench raiders. Mitch printed the new arms for them. Once again the back packs are a bit of a mix, using some WW2 Russian packs.

Thankfully Mitch has printed off 3 vehicles for me, just waiting for delivery. I now need to decide if I want to expand the Crusaders or pick up a few of the Coftryans.

Monday 22 July 2024

Extra Quar and review

A few more additions for my Quar Crusaders. First up is a medic (could have done with him in the first game) and a 2nd LMG gunner., then there are the first 3 trench raiders. These were all 3d prints from Mitch, I just needed to put them together with the addition of spare heads I had left over.

The trench raiders have had packs added from some Warlord plastic WW2 Russians. Next were 2 more torpedo tank hunters, these are the Thermoplastic figures from Wargames Atlantic. 

So a quick little review of the progress so far. I have 2 full squads with the options to swap out the Ryshi rifles with either an LMG or torpedoes. There is also the start of a squad of trench raiders, I have another 5 on the painting table.

With just a few more figures to paint while I await 3 more vehicles, I have prepped 2 regiments of ECW Royalist foot to add to my own collection.

Saturday 20 July 2024

More Rhyflers

As my enthusiasm for this project continues to grow, I even managed to get in a small skirmish game with the few figures I had painted. It not go well, I rolled too many 6s, which in this game is bad, especially on recovery rolls where I managed to inflict 4 casualties upon myself. Still it was fun and I will play again. It also got me hankering after more figures for larger games using either Xenos Rampant or Fistful of lead bigger battles. First up a few pictures I took of the game, Ambush in Quarky Hollow.

So now for a few additons to my Crusaders. First up was a standard bearer, the rules for these are not out yet, but I wanted to have one. The flag is a simple image from google that I re-painted.

Next up was a field gun. The basis of which was a Boer war 'pom pom' gun. It looked suitably ridiculous, with a weird paint scheme to fit right in. For the crew I used 2 of the plastic figures. I simply replaced the arms with some spares I had left over from my WW2 Soviets. 

Next up are variously armed Rhyflers. 6 are armed with the heavier Ryshi rifle, as I discovered I need 3 per squad. There is also a light machine gunner that was a 3d print provided by Mitch and a torpedo armed Rhyfler for knocking out tractors.

I've now got a few more Rhyflers on the painting table, including a medic and some trench raiders. Mitch is also printing me 3 more light tractors based on the ford 3-ton tankette to some speed to the force. I'm also looking for a heavier piece of artillery.

Tuesday 16 July 2024

The Quar War

I can't believe Mitch convinced me to dip my toe into this project. I know it will not be to everyone's taste, but I do like the odd break from historical gaming. I suppose I also did owe him for helping out with the Marston Moor project. I was also looking for something to use in Xenos Rampant and these little fellas fit the bill. With Mitch collecting a Royalist force, I elected to take on the Crusaders. The game is currently supported with some plastic boxed sets from Wargames Atlantic to provide your core troops. They also have a few extras such as officers. There are also large amounts of stuff available for 3d printing which Mitch is more than happy to help out with.

So first up is a Ailthean tractor, note tractor and not a tank. This was 3d printed by Mitch as the actual model is not released yet. I also went with a wacky paint scheme, just for the fun of it.

The next model is an Is-caertan or a junior officer to lead the company. This was printed from one of the available STL files.

Next up is 10 of the Quar Rhyflers, the backbone of the force. These are all plastic miniatures from the Wargames Atlantic boxed set.

So 11 figures and a tractor done so far. I have 6 more Quar nearly complete, armed with heavy rifles. I also have another 6 undercoated including a couple of simple conversions for a standard bearer and a trench raider. Hopefully Mitch will print me a few of the additional arms, heads and weapons so I can complete the trench raiders.

I must admit I've enjoyed painting these and they were a nice break as I have struggled with the 6th ECW regiment for Simon. 

Sunday 7 July 2024


So in between painting ECW figures for Simon and in preparation of starting some Republican Romans, I decided to re-base some old figures in my collection. The idea being to use Basic Impetus as a starter set for some games at the club. However I have decided to go with a generic base size of 50mm x 40mm. The number of figures on a base is more representational. I've gone with 8 for heavy infantry, 6 for light/medium infantry and 2 or 3 for skirmishers. Mounted is 2 for lights and 3 for heavies. I picked up some bases from Pendraken and made a start. 

The first army that I re-based was a later hoplite Greek, think they were originally done for DBA and I painted them over 35 years ago. Nostalgia means they will not be re-painted. A few figures have been added since and I think I have enough unpainted for a couple more bases of hoplites.

The next force was some Helenistic Greeks. I can use the Peltasts and skirmisher from the Hoplites to bolster the numbers. I also have enough figures to add 3 more blocks of pike which will look better.

The last force is some Bactrian Greeks with Indian allies. These will need some more pike and archers added to complete the force.

Once I get some more sand I can make a start on finishing the bases. I may even pick up some grass tufts to add a little colour. Once the bases are all done I'll start on the Romans, but at least I can get a few games in to refresh myself with the rules.

Thursday 4 July 2024

ECW and Early war armour

A bit of a mixed post as I work my way through Simon's ECW figures and interspersing some of my own stuff in for my sanity. Pretty certain there should be a law restricting how many ECW figures you are allowed to paint. So first up is the 5th regiment for Simon. This time in light green coats. They join the rest in the box to be posted off.

And now for my sanity, a few early war armour form my Brits and Germans. For the Brits, there is a Matilda II from Zvezda, this is a re-paint as was never really happy with the original colour scheme. For the Germans, A Marder II and 3 Panzer II's, all 3d prints from Mitch.

So just need some decals and the vehicles will be finished. Also my first batch of Romans arrived from Museum miniatures. Hopefully I'll get some time at the weekend to start prepping them.