Sunday, 2 February 2025

FPW French, XII Corps

As I begin preparing for a second Franco Prussian game, I needed to strengthen XII Corps. I recently painted up the 4 regiments for the 1st Division. Now I needed commanders, cavalry, artillery and Mitrailleuse machine guns. So first up are 4 Mitrailleuse machine guns and 2 artillery batteries. 1 will be attached to each of the 3 infantry divisions while the 4th will support the XII Corps artillery reserve. The Mitrailleuse is from Outpost, while the artillery is from Lancashire, not my favourite models.

Mitrailleuse machine guns

2 artillery batteries

Next up are some mounted officers and a regiment of Chasseur a Cheval, to represent the 7th regiment. These are all from Essex miniatures. They match in fine size-wise but do have the issue of incredibly slim bases which make them a pain to get onto the bases. I did have a slight error as I originally painted their tunics brown instead of green. I had been looking at pictures of the Hussars, thankfully now corrected.

7th Chasseur a Cheval

This has gone some way to strengthen XII corps. I do have the 4 artillery batteries on the painting table to add to the Corps reserve. Hopefully get them done by the weekend. So here is XII Corps as it currently stands.

XII Corps

The Corps is led by Lebrun. He has 3 infantry divisions, Grandchamp, LaCretelle and Vassoigne. There are also two small cavalry divisions each of 2 regiments led by Lichtin and Salignac-Fenelon. With both of my French Corps at similar strength it is time to make a start planning the second game. I hope to get something on the table by the end of February.