Sunday, 9 February 2025

FPW Additions

With another large Franco Prussian game approaching I cracked on getting a few more figures painted. First up was the artillery to complete the French XII Corps. These were 4 batteries from the old Outpost miniatures range. Quick and easy to get done.

I also painted up a couple of small companies of Franc-Tireurs. They are not really suited to the pitched battles, but will be handy as a bit of a nuisance for the Prussians to deal with. These are also from Outpost.

Not to be left out, I did paint up some additions for the Prussians. There are 4 stands of Uhlans which I can use to strengthen one of the 2 Prussian cavalry divisions. Nice serviceable figures.

I've also decided to commit to painting up the Baden division to complete XIV Corps. I've already made a start on purchasing the figures that I'll need, enough for 4 regiments of infantry @ 30 figures each and a regiment of Jagers. Thankfully I already have enough artillery painted up. Once these are painted up I'll add the cavalry regiment. I've already made a start and completed the Jagers. There is also the 1st line regiment undercoated.

As for the game, both sides have their orders of battle, sent the map through earlier in the week so that they can plan their deployment and objectives for the game.


  1. Splendid productivity, Neil! You continue pushing out figures with impressive frequency.

    1. Cheers Jonathan, always easy to be productive with an upcoming game

  2. I agree with Jon. You are certainly cranking out the new figures at an impressive rate Scotty!

  3. FPW is one period I have always considered...and keep putting off....but the more I watch your collection grow....I may have to go out and buy some figures!!

    1. Cheers John, it took me years before I took the plunge on the period. Glad I did

  4. Great work and super productivity, you are certainly on a roll. All very nice but the Uhlans are particularly nice.

  5. Nice work, and the units really are mustering quickly. Baden is a fine choice for the next contingent.
