Friday 16 June 2023

The Pavlov Crossing Part 2.

This week we pick up from where we left the game. We were though a player short,which did slow the game down. We've already had a few ideas going forward on how we can rectify this. With both sides pushing their reserves forward, the village of Pavlov became a meat grinder. With the 4 central buildings offering victory points it came as a bit of the Bolsheviks when they were evicted from 2 of them. The Whites though were also suffering heavy casualties.

The fight for the village

White cavalry cutting down Red infantry

White reserves coming forward

Firefight continues

Red reserves on the march

The battle peeters out

After a good 3 extra hours gaming, both sides were fought out. The Whites had managed to maintain a grip on 2 of the buildings while the Reds only controlled 1. A minor victory to the Whites who once more blocked the Bolshevik advance.


  1. A beautiful looking game again Scotty, but I feel Tovarich Trotsky will need to steam to the front in his armoured train and institute some revolutionary justice on the units involved in this debacle, otherwise, the forces of liberation will begin to lose the support of the proletariat!

    1. I agree, thankfully they have a few new armoured units that have just arrived to bolster their efforts

  2. Hopefully seeing the battle Peter out was a satisfying conclusion? I am all for seeing Reds and Whites beat themselves into stalemate.

    1. Itwas still a satisfying end to the game, what wasn't was packing everything away

  3. Smashing looking game and report. It probably reflects a large number of engagements in petering out rather than ending on a climatic event.

    1. Very true Richard, both armies were fought out at the end

  4. Lots of drama, lots of great looking figures. Certainly a good game.
