I've added a couple of photos of the army as it currently stands.
Tuesday, 30 May 2017
GNW Poles II
Following the previous post I painted up my remaining regiment of winged hussars. This will bring me up to 4 regiment. Like the last unit I am unsure of the make of these figures as picked up off EBAY.
Looking ahead I would like to be able to field the Polish army that support the Saxons at Klissow. I will though need a lot more Pancerni regiments as these form the bulk of the force. Another battle I would like to re-fight would be Kalisz as it is
predominantly a mounted affair and large numbers of Poles fought on both sides.
I've added a couple of photos of the army as it currently stands.
The eagle eyed amongst you will spot some of the old Mikes models among the Pancerni. Had them nearly 25 years, a nostalgic unit that was originally part of my Saxon army when I used to play the WRG rules.
I've added a couple of photos of the army as it currently stands.
All looks very smart and imposing.
ReplyDeleteCheers Paul
DeleteGreat work!
ReplyDeleteThanks Michal
DeleteWonderful additions Neil. An impressive army!
ReplyDeleteCheers Rodger