A couple of photos of a female pirate I've finished off for my daughter. She did the base colours, all I did was just clear up some of the overlaps and do the highlights. More than happy with how it turned out and so is she. The figure is from Foundry's Pirate range that I picked up at the York show earlier in the year.
Next up is an Ogre from Games Workshop. I've painted this up in the colour scheme of my Blood Bowl human team, The Brickyard Brawlers. All of the other Ogres in my collection have been painted to match in with my Orc and Chaos teams. Simple paint job that I'm more than happy with.
I'm sure your daughter will be happy with her new miniature!
Sometimes simple paintjobs are the best!
ReplyDeleteVery nice work Scotty
ReplyDeleteNice work especially the daughters pirate.
ReplyDeletegreat work on these models!
ReplyDeleteI think the Orc is better looking Scotty.
ReplyDeleteNice work, Scotty