First up a couple of photos of the completed Revenants. I'm very impressed with these figures. Even did a simple conversion on one figure, adding scythe from a GW sprue.
Next up my Undead Champion and a sorceress. The Champion as a GW Grave Guard Champion and the Sorceress is an old Dark elf model.
Finally some of the good guys, local militia. These are predominately GW mordheim figures with a couple of the old Bretonnian archers added in for more variety.
Tuesday, 28 December 2010
Wednesday, 15 December 2010
Terror of the Lichemaster
After reading the Jervis Johnson article in the latest White Dwarf It brought back fond memories of the Terror of the Lichemaster scenario pack and the follow up Revenge of the Lichemaster in a Citadel Journal. Although both items are no longer in my collection I still have part of the monastry hidden in my loft. It got me thinking about putting together some forces for a re fight. It also helps that Mantic Miniatures have produced some lovely figures recently especially their undead figures and so a first purchase was made for some of the Revenants, to act as an elite unit. I also dug around in my old collection and manged to scrape together a few useful figures from Citadel, namely their original Skeleton horde plastic figures.
Lastly the remnants of 2 versions of the GW plastic skeletons. The first unit I've managed to paint the bones the same as the Revenants, I've also got another 4 on the painting table with a metal GW Grave guard champion to finish the unit. The second unit were painted many years ago and I feel rather nostalgic about them and cannot bring myself to re paint them (did manage to re do the bases)
Next up I've ordered a skeleton regiment from Mantic to boost my undead forces, will possibly add some zombies and ghouls.
From the Revenge of the Lichemaster I'm going to replace the Skaven with Beastmen, just because I've got a whole load sitting in a box looking for an excuse to be painted and in these times of austerity don't want to be seen frivolously buying more figures be she who must be obeyed.
First up the original Mouth of Sauron produced by citadel miniatures. Luckily I still had both the foot and mounted figures. They look suitable as Liche. (much prefer these to the newer version from GW LOTR figures)
Next up I've managed to paint up 8 of the Mantic Revenants, must say these are lovely figures and well worth the price. I've settle on a dirty red,wanting them to look as uniformed as possible to represent an elite unit.
Lastly the remnants of 2 versions of the GW plastic skeletons. The first unit I've managed to paint the bones the same as the Revenants, I've also got another 4 on the painting table with a metal GW Grave guard champion to finish the unit. The second unit were painted many years ago and I feel rather nostalgic about them and cannot bring myself to re paint them (did manage to re do the bases)
Next up I've ordered a skeleton regiment from Mantic to boost my undead forces, will possibly add some zombies and ghouls.
From the Revenge of the Lichemaster I'm going to replace the Skaven with Beastmen, just because I've got a whole load sitting in a box looking for an excuse to be painted and in these times of austerity don't want to be seen frivolously buying more figures be she who must be obeyed.
Wednesday, 1 December 2010
While browsing through my camera I came across these 2 photos that I took at the Fiasco show, cannot now remember which Napoleonic battle that it was.
On the wargaming front things have been a bit quite, not really been in the mood. I've joined in with the clubs roleplaying group and you can follow our progress here It has inspired me to dig out some of my old figures that I painted over 20 years ago. Boy some of those were not good. I've spent some time touching them up and re basing them. Couldn't bring myself to strip the paint as I came over rather nostalgic.
I also came across about 30 Black Orcs produced by Nick Lund in the 80's that need painting up along with some of the Citadel Melniboneans. Can always be used in the roleplay games.
On the wargaming front things have been a bit quite, not really been in the mood. I've joined in with the clubs roleplaying group and you can follow our progress here It has inspired me to dig out some of my old figures that I painted over 20 years ago. Boy some of those were not good. I've spent some time touching them up and re basing them. Couldn't bring myself to strip the paint as I came over rather nostalgic.
I also came across about 30 Black Orcs produced by Nick Lund in the 80's that need painting up along with some of the Citadel Melniboneans. Can always be used in the roleplay games.
Army of the Mississippi
To further expand my ACW forces I've decided to add the Army of the Mississippi from the Battle of Corinth led by General Rosecrans. This is mainly to expand my forces for club games (didn't see much point in doing extra units for Gettysburg and just duplicate others' work). Corinth isn't too large a battle, also not too bothered if I don't get all the units done. So far I've got 2 divisions completed apart from all of their artillery support.
First up the Division of Stanley, made up of 2 brigades each of 10 stands. I picked these up from EBay, gave the a quick wash with GW Badab black and picked out some of the details to blend them with the rest of my troops.
The 2ND Division is that of Davies. The figure are predominately Warrior Miniatures tho 1 is from Essex.
First up the Division of Stanley, made up of 2 brigades each of 10 stands. I picked these up from EBay, gave the a quick wash with GW Badab black and picked out some of the details to blend them with the rest of my troops.
The 2ND Division is that of Davies. The figure are predominately Warrior Miniatures tho 1 is from Essex.
Buford's Division
Finally managed to finish off the 2 brigades of Buford's Division, Gamble and Devin. The mounted figures are all from Warrior Miniatures, nice and easy to paint up. The dismounted figures are a mix of Warrior and Peter Pig.
Finally some pictures of the buildings I've been adding to my collection. This makes 9 so far. I'll definitely be purchasing some more in the future, concentrating on town houses and a couple of barns/outhouses. Now who does 15mm american civilians suitable for this period?
A couple of town houses, the one on the right is hovels, not sure of the other smaller one,A couple of wooden cottages and an outbuilding. not sure of make as picked these up at the Fiasco show for a bargain.
These are both from Peter Pig, very nice models.