Well, I've finally decided I'm going to take the Imperial Army for Micks. I currently have 3 Cuirassiers regiments and 3 dragoon regiments already painted. I can then add 3 of my Saxon Cuirassier regiments (they fought as part of the Imperial army at 1st Hochstadt). For the infantry I currently have 4 Franconian, 1 Swabian, 1 Westphalian, 2 Austrian, 2 Ansbach and 3 Palatine battalions painted, grand total of 13. I have already started on another 3 Franconian battalions which will leave me about 2-3 battalions short. Looks likely to be 2 further Swabian battalions and possibly their combined grenadiers. If it comes to the worst I can again press gang in a few of the Saxon battalions). So far I have no artillery, though I do have 12 models to paint up, though should only need about 6 of these.
On to other projects - well Firestorm Armada from Spartan Games has caught my eye, so with Christmas pressie money 1 rule book purchased and awaiting delivery. I also managed to dig out 10 old space craft that I think came form Ground Zero games many years ago, probably have to check their website to see what types they are. They'll do for trying out the rules.
Sunday, 27 December 2009
Sunday, 20 December 2009
As it's been a while I've added a couple of photos of some villages i have put together. The bases are CD's and the buildings are 6mm in scale. I'm going to use these with my 15mm Marlburian armies.
On the painting front I have been doing stuff for my nephews, 1 has got a nice new Black Templar Dreadnought for his 40K army and the other some additional forces for his Marlburian Danish army.
For next year I need to decide on which army I'll be using For Micks in February. Its a Marlburian themed weekend and I need to decide if I'll take the Saxons again (who performed very admirably) or whether I have time to paint up the extra units for the Imperials (very short on infantry and artillery).
By for now and Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year